Saturday, February 25, 2012


Ah yes, Redbull, the first energy drink known to man by many.  Or Coffee is the first energy drink I actually suppose.  But yes, Redbull is probably THE tastiest energy drink.  The cons of Redbull are that it's too expensive and it lacks in the vitamin department so it doesn't do too much for energy besides the caffeine content.  Redbull kind of has a citrus taste, very delicious.  Definitely try it if you haven't had it, but I am sure you have if you're reading an energy drink review blog.


  1. Caffeine is the first energy drink but not the last. There are so many in the market now. Very tough to choose suitable one.

  2. For an amazing energy drink you have Liquid Help Energy Drink new and improved for an amazing overall feel of energy and well-being. Order this new energy drink that is much better than the famous beverages like Monster and Red Bull. Order Liquid Help today.
